Farmers Training Camp | Village Mirzapur, Pathankot | 22 May, 2017
Atam Pargas Social Welfare Council in association with Department of Soil Science, PAU, Ludhiana adopted village Mirjapur in Pathankot district to develop the village as model village for need-based fertilizer nitrogen management using leaf colour chart (LCC). The village adoption day was organised at Government Primary School, Mirjapur on May 22, 2017 with the help of KVK and FASS, Pathankot. Dr. Varinderpal Singh, Senior Soil Scientist, PAU, Ludhiana educated farmers about the LCC based fertilizer nitrogen management in rice and maize. Discussing the harmful effects of excessive urea application he told that excessively applied fertilizer urea do not increases yield rather escape to atmosphere and causes pollution. Excessive urea application further increases insect-pest incidence and thus lead to consumption of high doses of insecticides and pesticides that increases the cost of production and also deteriorate quality of the produce. Dr. Seema, Assistant Professor Soil Science, KVK, Pathankot and Dr. Amit Kaul District Extension Specialist, FASS, Pathankot also educated farmers for successful cultivation of kharif crops. The LCCs were distributed to all the farmers of the village free of cost with the support of Cambridge India Network for Transitional Research in Nitrogen (CINTRIN) project.
Dr. B.S.Brar, Head Department of Soil Science told that team of PAU scientists would work for a year in the village to educate the farmers about LCC-based management of nitrogen fertilizers in the crops and village would be developed as a role model for the Punjab. Dr. Nachhattar Singh, Director, Atam Pargas Social Welafare Council and Ex-Vice Chancellor, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo ensured the financial support for the salary of whole time Field Assistant in the village Mirajpur to follow the farmers and keep them in touch with the PAU Scientists for the successful conduct of LCC awareness campaign.