- To educate and inculcate moral values among the students in particular and public in general to develop Truthful Human Beings for the welfare of society.
- To educate the society for natural resource conservation.
- To educate the farmers for reducing the consumption of chemicals in agriculture.
- To develop library and reference catalogue of literature.
- To support the studies of the poor and needy students.
- To support/ provide health services to the patients.
- To establish moral education based academic institutions.
- ividAwrQIAW Aqy Awm lokW AMdr nYiqk guxW dI pRPu`lqw krky, aunHW dI smwj syvw leI sicAwr mnu`KW vjoN GwVq GVnI[
- smwj ƒ kudrqI soimAW dI sMBwl leI jwgrUk krnw[
- ikswnW ƒ KyqIbwVI ivc rswiexW dI vrqoN Gtwaux leI jwgrUk krnw[
- lwiebryrI sQwipq krnI Aqy swihq dw rY&rYNs kYtwlog iqAwr krnw[
- grIb Aqy loVvMd ividAwrQIAW dI iv`idAw pRwpq krn leI shwieqw krnI[
- mrIzW ƒ ishq syvwvW aupl`bD krvwaux leI shwieqw krnI[
- nYiqk iv`idAw ADwrq iv`idAk AdwirAW dI sQwpnw krnI[